

Zodium (ZODI) is a governance token of Zodium game and is used for all decisions related to project development. By acquiring ZODI token through various ways, token holders can play game, vote on crucial matters, and claim their rewards.



Low/High 24h Price

$0.0001228 - $0.0001432

24h Trade Volume


Price change 24h

-9.73 %

Price change 7d

-26.94 %

Price change 30d

27.46 %

Price change 3 months

168.1 %

Price change 6 months

-42.52 %

Fully diluted market cap


Max Supply

888888888 ZODI

Game App

Where to buy ZODI token?

You can buy ZODI on various cryptocurrency exchanges:

Before you buy ZODI, make sure to do your own research and understand the risks involved in cryptocurrency investing. It's also recommended to store your ZODI, in a secure wallet, such as a hardware wallet, to prevent hacking or theft.